Monday, June 25, 2012

1.12 Electric Flux

       Consider the flow of a liquid with a velocity v through a pipe of area of cross section dS. The rate of flow of liquid (V dS) represents the flux of liquid flowing across the plane. In the case of electric field, we define an alnalogous quantity and call it the electric flux.
          Flux of liquid gives rate of flow of liquid, then what does electric flux represent?
       We have discussed that the relative density of the field lines at different points indicates the relative strength of electric field at those points. Here the mathematical quantity E delta S (electric flux) gives a measure of lines passing through the area delta S.
       On which factors do E delta S (electric flux) depend?
                      Consider a small planar element of area delta S placed normal to vector.  The number of field lines crossing the area element will be smaller. The projection of the area element normal to E is deltaS cos (theta). Thus, the number of field lines crossing delta S is proportional to EdeltaS cos(theta)
                        When theta=90 degree, field lines will be parallel to plane and will not cross it at all. From the above discussion we can understand that the electric flux depend on electric field E, area A and the orientation of area with electric field.

                       From the above discussion we can understand that the electric flux depend on electric field E, area A and the orientation of area with electric field.
                        If vector E is the electric field and delta vector S is an area, the electric flux may be defined as vector E. delta vector S(dot product of vector E and delta S). Area is treated as a vector. Its direction is along the normal to the plane of area.
                       If this small area is a part of a large surface, then electric flux over the surface, then electric flux over the surface.


1 comment:

  1. Thank, my friend. It's a good post about electric flux. It's really helpful. But if you provide some examples or problems then it'll be a better post.
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